
We have a new name!

November 21, 2019
Notice anything new? Effective fall 2019, the Student Financial Aid Office has been renamed Student Financial Services. Our new name reflects our growing services to students including CalFresh advising and partnerships, work-study payroll processing, increased financial literacy workshops,...

Check out the latest Loan Counseling Presentation

October 30, 2019
Get another look at how to tackle your loans with the latest presentation from Jeffrey Hanson, expert loan advisor, who comes to us each year to add more opportunities for you to master your debt.

Welcome Dentistry Interviewees!

October 29, 2019
2020-2021 School of Dentistry Interviewees are able to start the Financial Aid Application Process now by completing the UCSF Financial Aid Application, FAFSA 20-21 year, and CSS College Board Profile. The Priority Deadline is November 15, 2019, for guaranteed preliminary award letter on or after...

Office Closed - Oct. 24

October 22, 2019
Our office will be closed on Thursday, October 24 for staff development.

University-wide Loan Borrowing Strategies Workshop

October 3, 2019
Get another look at how to tackle your loans with Jeffrey Hanson, expert loan advisor, who comes to us each year to add more opportunities for you to master your debt. Tuesday, October 22, from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m Cole Hall, 513 Parnassus Ave. R.S.V.P. here (so we can order enough pizza) 

The Student Food Market is hiring!

September 19, 2019
The Student Food Market has an avaialbe Federal Work Study Postion. Do you want to help support the dedicated staff in the Student Success center? Assist with volunteers with the food delivery, the set-up, and distribution? Then this is the job for you! Click on More Information about the position.

Welcome New Students!

August 12, 2019
Our office wants to extend our warmest welcome to UCSF for this 2019-2020 year! We want to be as helpful as we can be to make the transition to UCSF and San Francisco go as smoothly as possible. Feel free to stop by our office for a visit or give us a call if you have any questions. Meet our...

Student Financial Aid Portal/Netpartner Outage Resolved - August 7th

August 7, 2019
Dear Students, Our IT department has informed us that the issue has been resolved with Netpartner. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.  Regards, Student Financial Aid Office

Work Study Reading Tutors Needed!

July 23, 2019
Did you know only 31% of 4th graders in California read on grade-level? That number drops to 18% when looking at CA's under-resourced 4th graders. Want to do something about it?

Cost of Living Supplement Application Closed!

July 18, 2019
The Cost of Living Supplement (COLS) Application and considerations are closed for the 2019-2020 year. COLS eligibility and awards are being determined and notifications of awards will be rolling out in the month of July. The 2020-2021 COLS application cycle will open January 1, 2020!
