Cost of Attendance
Estimate Your Cost to Attend UCSF
The tuition and student services fees are currently approved amounts. These figures may not be final. Actual tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by the Regents of the University of California and could be affected by increases or reductions in State funding, or other developments. Accordingly, final approved amounts (and thus your final balance due) may differ from the amounts shown below.
Note: The figures show a separate total for California non-residents, which includes the non-resident supplemental tuition amount for the applicable program.
2022-23 Cost of Attendance
Dental Programs
Dentistry 1
Dentistry 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $34,935 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $54,844 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $942 Loan Fees $420 Dental Kit Costs $14,096 California Resident Total $98,382 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $110,627 -
Dentistry 2
Dentistry 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $34,935 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $54,844 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $627 Loan Fees $420 Dental Kit Costs $9,848 California Resident Total $93,819 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $106,064 -
Dentistry 3
Dentistry 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $34,935 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $57,860 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $772 Loan Fees $420 Dental Kit Costs $7,328 California Resident Total $104,840 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $117,085 -
Dentistry 4
Dentistry 4 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $34,935 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $57,860 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $928 Externship Costs $2,152* Loan Fees $420 Dental Kit Costs $8,468 California Resident Total $108,288 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $120,533 * $400-$2,520 depending on externship site.
International Dentist 3
International Dentist 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $85,444 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $8,095 Estimated Fees Subtotal $94,028 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $772 Loan Fees $420 Dental Kit Costs $20,408 Total $153,068 -
International Dentist 4
International Dentist 4 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $82,608 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $89,666 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $1,416 Loan Fees $420 Dental Kit Costs $1,480 Total $130,422
Dental Postgraduate Programs
Orthodontics 1
Orthodontics 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $7,612 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $5,000 California Resident Total $74,159 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $89,261 -
Orthodontics 2
Orthodontics 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $5,336 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $5,000 California Resident Total $71,883 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $86,895 -
Orthodontics 3
Orthodontics 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $4,336 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $5,000 California Resident Total $70,883 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $85,985 -
Pediatric Dentistry 1
Pediatric Dentistry 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $2,000 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,000 California Resident Total $66,947 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $82,049 -
Pediatric Dentistry 2
Pediatric Dentistry 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $2,000 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,000 California Resident Total $66,947 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $82,049 -
Pediatric Dentistry 3
Pediatric Dentistry 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $2,000 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,000 California Resident Total $66,947 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $82,049 -
Periodontology 1
Periodontology 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $17,200 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,800 California Resident Total $82,547 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $97,649 -
Periodontology 2
Periodontology 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $14,500 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,800 California Resident Total $79,847 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $94,949 -
Periodontology 3
Periodontology 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies 6,752 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,800 California Resident Total $72,099 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $87,201 -
Public Health 1
Public Health 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $5,000 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,000 California Resident Total $69,547 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $84,649 -
Public Health 2
Public Health 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Summer Term Fee $3,980 Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Dentistry $24 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $55 Estimated Fees Subtotal $23,945 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $5,000 Loan Fees $162 Dental Kit Costs $3,000 California Resident Total $69,547 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $84,649
Graduate Academic Programs
Graduate Academic
Graduate Academic Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the Graduate Division $36 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $19,866 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $390 California Resident Total $48,336 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $63,438 -
Equity in Brain Health - Certificate
Genetic Counseling 1
Genetic Counseling 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $41,796 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the Graduate Division $36 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $4,926 WeID $42 Estimated Fees Subtotal $47,209 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 California Resident Total $75,289 -
Genetic Counseling 2
Genetic Counseling 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $41,796 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the Graduate Division $36 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,453 Estimated Fees Subtotal $48,750 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 California Resident Total $86,190 -
Health Data Sciences - Master's 1
Health Data Sciences Certificate
Global Health Sciences - Master's
Global Health Sciences (Master's) Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $34,356 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the Graduate Division $36 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $4,927 Estimated Fees Subtotal $39,728 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Loan Fees $216 Total $68,024 -
Global Health Sciences - Master's (Summer)
Global Health Sciences - Master's (Summer) Budget Budget Category Amount Tuition $11,451 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $56 Student Health Insurance Premium $1,526 Estimated Fees Subtotal $13,033 Cost of Living (2 months) $6,240 Loan Fees $54 Total $19,327 -
Advanced Training Clinical Research - Certificate
Advanced Training Clinical Research - Certificate Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $28,961 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Estimated Fees Subtotal $29,166 Cost of Living (11 months) $34,320 Loan Fees $108 Total $63,594 -
Advanced Training Clinical Research - Master's 1
Advanced Training Clinical Research - Master's 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $29,232 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the Graduate Division $36 Estimated Fees Subtotal $29,500 Cost of Living (11 months) $34,320 Loan Fees $108 Total $63,594 -
Advanced Training Clinical Research - Master's 2
Advanced Training Clinical Research - Master's 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $29,232 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the Graduate Division $36 Estimated Fees Subtotal $29,500 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Loan Fees $54 Total $63,928 -
Biomedical Imaging - Master's
Biomedical Imaging Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $37,564 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $44,515 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Loan Fees $216 Total $72,811 -
Healthcare Admin - Master's
Healthcare Admin Master's Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $58,120 Estimated Fees Subtotal $58,127 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $600 Loan Fees $216 Total $96,383 -
Translational Medicine - Master's
Translational Medicine Master's Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $35,154 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Medicine $36 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $55,020 Cost of Living (10 months) $31,200 Books & Supplies $702 Loan Fees $216 California Resident Total $87,138 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $99,383
Medical Programs
Medicine 1
Medicine 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $25,221 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Medicine $39 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $41 Estimated Fees Subtotal $45,131 Cost of Living (10 months) $31,200 Books & Supplies $600 Commute Costs $795 Loan Fees $360 California Resident Total $78,086 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $90,331 -
Medicine 2
Medicine 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $25,221 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Medicine $39 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $41 Estimated Fees Subtotal $45,131 Cost of Living (10 months) $31,200 Books & Supplies $600 Commute Costs $1,200 Loan Fees $360 California Resident Total $78,491 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $90,736 -
Medicine 3
Medicine 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $25,221 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Medicine $39 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $41 Estimated Fees Subtotal $49,167 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $600 Commute Costs $2,000 Loan Fees $360 USMLE Step 1 $645 California Resident Total $90,212 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $102,457 -
Medicine 4
Medicine 4 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $25,221 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Medicine $39 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Disability Insurance $41 Estimated Fees Subtotal $49,167 Cost of Living (11 months) $34,320 Books & Supplies $300 Commute Costs $1,400 Loan Fees $360 California Resident Total $85,547 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $97,792 -
Transitioning JMP [1]
JMP Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $768 Student Association Fee $4 Tuition $7,800 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $16,814 Community Centers Facilities Fee $132 Graduate & Professional Student Association $18 Associated Students of the School of Medicine $26 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $118 Student Health Insurance Premium $4,379 Disability Insurance $31 Estimated Fees Subtotal $30,090 Cost of Living (6 months) $18,720 Books & Supplies $400 Commute Costs $800 Loan Fees $240 California Resident Total $50,250 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $8,163 California Non-resident Total $58,413
[1] JMP students who will be transitioning from UC Berkeley to UCSF for the Winter term 2022
Nursing Programs
Nursing MEPN
Nursing MEPN Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $67,947 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $8,095 Estimated Fees Subtotal $76,528 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $1,120 Commute Costs $1,044 Loan Fees $216 Nursing Kit Costs $100 Total $116,448 -
Nursing Master's
Nursing Master's Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $12,795 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $32,646 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $789 Commute Costs $1,044 Loan Fees $216 California Resident Total $62,775 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $75,020 -
Nursing Doctoral
Nursing Doctoral Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students Graduate Division $36 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $19,887 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $789 Commute Costs $1,044 Loan Fees $216 California Resident Total $50,016 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102 California Non-resident Total $65,118 -
Nurse Midwifery 1
Nurse Midwifery 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $12,795 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $32,646 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $1,029 Commute Costs $1,044 Loan Fees $216 BLS & EFM $170 California Resident Total $63,185 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $75,430 -
Nurse Midwifery 2
Nurse Midwifery 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $11,700 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $12,795 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $36,682 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $1,350 Commute Costs $1,312 Loan Fees $216 NRP & Board Vitals $450 California Resident Total $77,450 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $89,695 -
Nursing Post-Master's 1
Nursing Post-Master's 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $32,985 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $4,927 Estimated Fees Subtotal $38,342 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $789 Commute Costs $1,044 Loan Fees $216 Total $68,471 -
Nursing Post-Master's 2
Nursing Post-Master's 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $43,926 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Nursing $21 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,453 Estimated Fees Subtotal $50,865 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $788 Commute Costs $1,044 Loan Fees $216 Total $90,353 -
Nursing Post-Master's (Distance)
Nursing Post-Master's (Distance) Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $42,470 Estimated Fees Subtotal $42,477 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $788 Commute Costs $1,392 Loan Fees $216 Total $82,313 -
Doctor of Nursing Practice 1
Doctor of Nursing Practice 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $30,990 Estimated Fees Subtotal $30,997 Cost of Living (9 months) $28,080 Books & Supplies $900 Commute Costs $1,125 Loan Fees $216 Total $61,318 -
Doctor of Nursing Practice 2
Doctor of Nursing Practice 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $40,970 Estimated Fees Subtotal $40,977 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $1,200 Commute Costs $1,500 Loan Fees $216 Total $81,333 -
Doctor of Nursing Practice 3
Doctor of Nursing Practice 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $3 Tuition $20,310 Estimated Fees Subtotal $20,313 Cost of Living (6 months) $18,720 Books & Supplies $600 Loan Fees $216 Total $39,849
Pharmacy Programs
Pharmacy 1
Pharmacy 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $31,260 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Pharmacy $60 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $5,903 Estimated Fees Subtotal $54,520 Cost of Living (11 months) $34,320 Books & Supplies $832 Loan Fees $360 California Resident Total $90,032 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $102,277 -
Pharmacy 2
Pharmacy 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $31,260 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Pharmacy $60 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $55,186 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $832 Loan Fees $360 California Resident Total $93,818 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $106,063 -
Pharmacy 3
Pharmacy 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $31,260 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Associated Students of the School of Pharmacy $60 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $55,186 Cost of Living (11 months) $34,320 Books & Supplies $832 Loan Fees $360 California Resident Total $90,698 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $102,943
Physical Therapy Programs
Physical Therapy 1
Physical Therapy 1 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,232 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $13,362 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $233 Student Health Insurance Premium $8,095 WeID $42 Estimated Fees Subtotal $38,796 Cost of Living (11 months) $34,320 Books & Supplies $700 Commute Costs $1,208 Loan Fees $216 California Resident Total $75,240 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $87,485 -
Physical Therapy 2
Physical Therapy 2 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $13,362 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $37,004 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $520 Commute Costs $1,208 Loan Fees $216 California Resident Total $76,388 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $88,633 -
Physical Therapy 3
Physical Therapy 3 Budget Budget Category Amount Student Services Fee $1,152 Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,600 Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $13,362 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Graduate & Professional Student Association $27 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,569 Estimated Fees Subtotal $37,004 Cost of Living (12 months) $37,440 Books & Supplies $428 Commute Costs $1,208 Loan Fees $216 California Resident Total $76,296 Non-resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245 California Non-resident Total $88,541
Post Baccalaureate Programs
Dental PostBac
Dental PostBac Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,188 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $5,471 Estimated Fees Subtotal $21,041 Cost of Living (10 months) $31,200 Books & Supplies $800 Loan Fees $216 Total $53,257 -
Medicine PostBac
Medicine PostBac Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,392 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $6,244 Estimated Fees Subtotal $22,018 Cost of Living (10 months) $31,200 Books & Supplies $800 Loan Fees $216 Total $54,234 -
Pharmacy PostBac
Pharmacy PostBac Budget Budget Category Amount Student Association Fee $7 Tuition $15,159 Community Centers Facilities Fee $198 Student Health & Counseling Supplemental Fee $177 Student Health Insurance Premium $5,345 Estimated Fees Subtotal $20,886 Cost of Living (10 months) $31,200 Books & Supplies $800 Loan Fees $216 Total $53,102
Exceptions to the Standard Student Budget
Below are examples of some allowable add-ons to the student budget. Students are encouraged to discuss their specific situations with Student Financial Services staff before submitting a request. Budget exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to approval. Expenses must be under the student's name and incurred during the current school year. Complete the Student Budget Appeal Form for consideration and provide applicable documentation to be considered.
Complete Student Budget Appeal Form
Additional Housing AllowanceStudents who pay more for rent and utilities than the standard off-campus housing allowance, may request a budget increase, but must present a compelling reason as to why less costly housing is not an option. Students should speak with an advisor before submitting a request. Please note that if approved, a budget increase for housing costs may be temporary. The amount of an approved additional housing allowance will all be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Child CareStudents may request financial aid to cover reasonable child care costs up to $1,700/month per child, with a maximum of $3,400/month for two or more children age 12 and younger during periods when the student is enrolled. It is expected that no child care expenses are needed for a student who has a spouse that is not working or in school.
Medical and Dental ExpensesStudent Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) provides primary health care, basic hospital, and major medical expense coverage through premiums included with registration fees. Expenses not covered by SHCS, including some psychotherapy, can sometimes be added to a student's financial aid budget and funded with additional Federal Direct (Stafford and/or Grad PLUS) Loan funds. Costs must be reasonable and for medically necessary treatment. Financial aid cannot cover cosmetic work, elective procedures deemed not medically necessary or treatment that can reasonably be postponed until after graduation (for example, elective orthodontic work). When submitting the Budget Appeal, include a letter from the health care provider, which indicates an estimate or actual cost of care and states that costs are not covered by insurance.
Computer PurchasesStudents may receive loan funds to a maximum of $2,500 during all of their UCSF enrollment. Printers and software are included in this maximum.
Licensure ExpensesDental, pharmacy, or physical therapy students can apply for additional loan money to cover no more than one licensure exam cost for their first professional license or certification. That includes WREB for dental students, NAPLEX for pharmacy students, and NPTE for physical therapy students. Proof of payment is required.
Residency Interview ExpensesMedical students in their final year may receive loan funds for some of the costs associated with residency interviews in a single disbursement. Allowable costs include application fees, transportation, and lodging. Receipts may be requested after the fact for verification purposes or if an additional request for funding is made.
Commute ExpensesEducational commute related expenses can be added to a student's budget. Not all programs qualify. Transportation cost estimates applicable to each school, curriculum and level are built into the budgets.
Monthly Cost of Living Allowance
Student Financial Services establishes a modest, yet adequate cost of living allowance to determine financial aid eligibility each school year. This allowance includes housing and utilities, food, transportation, personal and miscellaneous, and medical expenses. The off-campus allowance assumes shared housing costs.
As required by federal law, budgets used to determine financial aid eligibility can only include the student's costs; spouse and/or children's expenses cannot be included.
Off Campus | With Parents or Relatives | |
Food | $633 | $633 |
Housing (plus utilities)* | $1,950 | $0 |
Transportation | $174 | $174 |
Personal/Miscellaneous | $363 | $363 |
Total | $3,120 | $1,170 |
*Utilities portion is $163. For more information, see Typical Housing Costs Near UC Campuses.
Housing Circumstances
Living with a Spouse and ChildrenLiving costs of family members must be covered by student and spouse earnings and/or assets. Financial aid, however, can help cover reasonable child care costs for children age 12 and younger for periods when the student is enrolled and the spouse is employed or in school.
Living as a Single ParentSingle parents are normally expected to support their children through earnings, savings, child support, and other existing resources. If sufficient funds are not available from these sources, an exception will be considered to include dependent care costs in the student's budget. Single parents must provide information and documentation of all expenses. They may wish to seek assistance from public assistance programs and other housing and food security solutions.
Living with a Parent or RelativeStudents living with a parent or other relative will have a lower cost of living than indicated in the standard student budgets. The monthly cost of living is $1,130 (excluding fees, tuition, books and supplies) for students living with a parent or other relatives. Budgets may be adjusted once housing situations are finalized. This is a great cost saving measure which will reduce total debt after graduation.
Living in University-Owned HousingMost students living in University-owned apartments will usually have a lower monthly cost of living than indicated in the standard student budgets. The monthly cost of living will depend on the monthly rent, which varies for these apartments. Students whose rent for university owned housing exceeds $1,787 will have the standard $3,120 off-campus monthly cost of living allowance.