UPDATE: Final Pause of Interest Rate and Payments for Federal Direct Loans, Dream Loans, HRSA Health Profession Loans, & University Loans until January 31, 2022

August 9, 2021

President Biden has directed the acting Secretary of Education to extend the Final pause on student federal loan payments and to keep interest at 0% through January 31, 2022. For borrowers in repayment, payments are not required during this period. Suspended payments will continue to count toward forgiveness programs.

Dream Loans and University Loans have also received an extension to repayment and interest accrual.

HRSA loans including Health Professions Loans, Nursing Loans, and Loans for Disadvantaged Students have received an extension as well for interest accrual and the opportunity for administrative forbearance.

For updates please view the Department of Education’s Press Release and StudentAid.Gov.

HRSA’s announcement can be found here