Update: End of CalFresh Emergency Allotments

March 15, 2023

As you may be aware, due to the Federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declaration ending on May 11, 2023, California will no longer be able to exempt students using the temporary changes to the CalFresh student eligibility rule.  Beginning June 10, 2023, these temporary exemptions will no longer apply to college students who are newly applying for CalFresh.  Beginning July 1, 2023, college students who already get CalFresh benefits should not experience any changes until their next recertification, where their eligibility will be reassessed.  As a reminder, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are two temporary changes to the CalFresh student eligibility rule to expand eligibility to students who are eligible for federal or state work study or who have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of zero dollars.

In response to the end of the CalFresh Temporary Student Exemptions, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has created outreach materials. We are requesting that our partners help disseminate these resources broadly with your networks as we prepare for the end of the CalFresh Temporary Student Exemptions.  These materials address potential questions that CalFresh households may have as the temporary student exemptions come to an end.

The CDSS webpage for the end of the CalFresh Emergency Allotments can be accessed with this URL: https://cdss.ca.gov/calfreshcovid19. Note that the CDSS is working on posting all materials and translated versions as soon as administratively possible.

Should you have any questions related to the policies regarding the end of the CalFresh Temporary Student Exemptions, please email [email protected].