UPDATE COVID-19 University Loans, Perkins, HRSA Loan Status

March 1, 2021

While Federal Stafford and Plus Loans have extended 0% interest administrative forbearance status through September 30th, that extension has not been granted to all Campus Based Loans.

University Loans including Dream Loans have continued 0% interest and administrative forbearance through September 30th 2021.

Perkins Loans 0% interest and administrative forbearance ended January 31st 2021. Perkins Loans have gone into repayment if you do not qualify for in school deferment. Set up repayment with ECSI

HRSA Loans (HPSL, LDS, NSL, PCL) 0 have extended 0% interest administrative forbearance status through September 30th. Monthly payments remain the same, but you can contact the Servicer to suspend payments. For more details view the HRSA FAQ