Federal Student Debt Relief Plan Details & Updates

August 29, 2022

The White House recently released information about the Administrations Federal Student Debt Relief Plan.  While the UCSF Student Financial Services does not have any additional information beyond this announcement, we wanted to provide resources to assist students and their families with any of their follow-up current and future questions.

 As a first step we recommend visiting Administration's Student Debt Relief Plan Explained (studentaid.gov). This site will be updated as more information becomes available for all loan borrowers, including instructions you will need to follow to apply for federal loan forgiveness with the Department of Education. You can also sign up for email updates from the U.S. Department of Education.

 For questions on current cumulative federal financial aid, such as Federal Pell grant and Federal student loans received to date from UCSF and any other institutions, start by logging in to StudentAid.gov.

 To identify your Federal Loan Servicer with questions regarding your federal student loans you can either: Visit your account dashboard at StudentAid.gov and scroll down to the “My Loan Servicers” section, or Call the Federal Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC) at 1-800-433-3243.

For additional information on identifying your Federal Loan Processor please visit Who’s My Student Loan Servicer? | Federal Student Aid